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Black Mountain Honey is an all natural, untreated, cold filtered, wildflower honey. 


Our round section honeycomb is produced for us by a Master Beekeeper based in Dorset, UK. The forage includes lime, bramble, clover, dandelions and thistles. 

Honey Gift Sets
Honey Gift Sets
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Our super limited edition round section honey is produced for us exclusively by a Master Beekeeper based in Dorset UK. He produces honey on an incredibly limited scale and only manages around 15 hives. 


The section honey is produced in extremely small batches and the colour of the honey will vary in tune with the changing seasons and flowers the bees feed on but predominantly will be a rich golden colour.


The variety of flowers the honey bees have fed on to create this  honey will include: Blackberries, Lime, Willowherb, Clover, Primrose, Cherry, Pear, Lavender and a whole range of wildflowers. 


This section honey is the perfect accompaniment to a British cheeseboard or perfect just eaten on its own. 


Buy now to enjoy this unique, super limited edition round section honey

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