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Black Mountain Honey is an all natural, untreated, cold filtered, Welsh wildflower honey. 


We care about the environment. That's why we have eliminated ALL single use plastics from our mail order packaging. Our jars are 100% recyclable and you can compost our mail order packaging. 

Honey Gift Sets
Honey Gift Sets
7. Sustainable Amazon Square .png

We are not fans of single use plastics and wherever possible we aim to permanently eliminate them from our product/mail order packaging.


For our jars of Black Mountain Honey, we use rustic paper labels with no PP films and recyclable glass jars with metal lids. All 100% recyclable. 


We have fully eliminated ALL single use plastics from our mail order packaging. We don't even use plastic tape and everything is recyclable! 


Our mail order packaging consists of new cardboard boxes (that can be recycled), shredded paper fill (which we make ourselves from our own paper and cardboard - great for the compost heap), cardboard sleeves (from recycled delivery boxes) and one single piece of recyclable paper tape, to hold it all together. 


We pride ourselves on our commitment to reduce, recycle and reuse! 

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